Health Fair

Bring all things wellness on-site for a full-day health fair! This interactive event includes massage therapists and nutritionists, a Yoga and Meditation session, a Cooking Demo, and a Fitness class of your choice.
educational seminars
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On-Site Health Fair for Offices

Bring a Goomi Group Health Fair to your place of business and you’ll get to experience the comprehensive wellness elements we can regularly bring to you on-site in the scope of one day. For example, a seven hour Health Fair immersion can include three massage therapists, one nutritionist, one Boardroom Yoga session, one Meditation session, one Cooking Demo and one Fitness/Yoga session of your choice. We’ll run the show so all you have to do is provide the participants.

Benefits of having a Health Fair at our company

You might not be able to throw a ping pong ball into a fish bowl and win a goldfish at a Health Fair, but there’s all sorts of other prizes to bolster your wellness that make bringing one to your company a first place winning idea. We all know knowledge is power and concentrated wellness education has the potential to literally change lives. Whether it’s with an individual Nutrition consultation to enlighten an employee on food choices or a guided Meditation session that provides stress-relief for a high powered exec, a Health Fair is an ideal way to bring a multitude of corporate wellness offerings to the whole company all under one “tent” for a day of learning and immersion sure to inspire healthful habits and spark change.

Health Fairs come in many iterations, but this one stands out because it’s interactive and experiential. Reusable bags emblazoned with a corporation’s name and filled with pens, notepads and a water bottle are great souvenirs, but our Health Fairs are a touch point for people to immerse themselves in new practices, fun classes and innovative ideas to motivate them to greater wellness in their personal and professional lives. It’s beneficial for both the employees and the company to gather information in an interactive environment.





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