Boardroom Yoga

Boardroom Yoga

Boardroom Yoga 1032 688 Goomi

Fill your boardroom with balance, ease, and relaxation! 

One in five working people suffer from stress and related mental health challenges, so it’s vital that companies provide employees with wellness offerings like Boardroom Yoga as part of a comprehensive strategy to address this statistic. Yoga has been proven to arm your team with tools for bettering their health and wellbeing, which in turn can improve your company’s bottom line. 

Boardroom Yoga is the perfect way to introduce your staff to a practical, easy-to-implement, and inviting style of yoga practice. Your team will be empowered with simple exercises that give them immediate effects while at their desk, sitting in a chair, or standing. In-office yoga classes include gentle stretching, physical postures, deep breathing, and mindfulness meditation to counter repetitive motions like typing, manipulating a mouse, and smartphone use. Furthermore, yoga can help to reverse the effects of extended periods of sedentary sitting, poor posture, and too much screen time.

Boardroom yoga is also an effective modality to help relieve some of the pressure felt in the corporate world. Deep breathing and better posture can help to boost confidence, bolster resilience, and provide an avenue to calm pre-presentation jitters. Giving employees “yoga breaks” can ultimately lead to less sick days, minimize body aches, and encourage higher productivity

Goomi Group provides a nationally certified yoga teacher that comes directly to your office to instruct an accessible, all-levels yoga class that can be done in any room at your facility, even if it’s completely furnished with meeting tables and chairs. In fact, the furniture can be used for practice! No yoga mats or change of clothing is necessary for this sweat-free session that still provides all the benefits of yoga like flexibility, focus, and stress-relief. 

Imagine your staff having a team-building, positive experience that affects their bodies and minds in as little as 15 or 30 minutes. Our clients find that experiencing Boardroom Yoga in a space usually reserved for more focused tasks has a rollover effect; employees learn to automatically access the tools and techniques they practice in their on-site yoga classes (like strengthened posture, breathwork, and concentration) while engaged in their regular workday duties. 

The best part is that the relatively low investment in employee health appears to have a big return. reported on a study published in Occupational Medicine that looked at data from 13 randomized trials of about 1300 participants in office yoga programs and found that yoga “is a good practice in the workplace as a means of reducing stress.” That benefit can extend off the mat by helping to improve job satisfaction, decrease incidents of accidents and injuries, and improve overall company culture and morale. The article goes on to say that companies should consider adding corporate wellness services “to promote mental health as well as good eating and exercise habits. And the results should encourage companies to include yoga as part of their approach to workplace wellness.”

Is your team ready to gain the benefits of Boardroom Yoga? Visit and get in touch with us so we can bring workplace yoga to your office. We’re here to answer all your questions, so let’s connect for a complimentary consultation to discover a customized wellness program for your company. Contact us and we’ll get back to you today!


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(310) 945-6857 |