Bringing Massage to Your Workplace

Bringing Massage to Your Workplace

Bringing Massage to Your Workplace 1032 688 Goomi

Our world is fast-paced and stressful and a typical workday consists of crouching over a computer for hours on end. For many companies, on-site massages have become essential to supporting employee wellness. The reason being is that massages can help your employees feel better, think clearer, and be more productive.

Here are 5 benefits of bringing massage at work:

  1. Massage helps spark creativity: When you are stressed out, you become so hyper-focused that you have blinders on and don’t see the whole picture. A 10 minute massage allows your mind to quiet and think clearer to experience the “aha moment.”
  2. Massage helps boost productivity and mental alertness: Studies have shown that a massage at work boost productivity. Just 10-15 minutes of chair massage a week has been scientifically proven to rejuvenate the mind and body to be able to finish tasks quicker.
  3. Massage improves company culture and morale: Employees consistently report improved mood and a greater sense of well-being and company satisfaction after a session of chair massage in the workplace.
  4. Alleviate stress and anxiety: We store mental stress in different parts of our bodies. Massages have been proven to reduce stress. Stress levels measured before and after a chair massage found an 85% stress reduction.
  5. Overall health: On top of reducing stress and making employees feel better, research is showing that massages can assist in boosting the immune system. Regular massages increase the activity of the body’s white blood cells that fight viruses. Help employees avoid getting sick and taking time off by scheduling regular massage sessions.

The truth is your team is going to take a 10-minute break regardless because no-one can work 8 hours non-stop. So why not give them a 10-minute massage that makes them WANT to go back to their desks and be more creative, productive, and happier overall?

Ready to set up your workplace massages? Chat with us at Goomi Group about customized programs for your unique company needs.  Our expertise is bringing specialized programming to your office that fits your company culture, budget, and schedule. A balanced life is possible for everyone and we have the solutions to bring wellness right to you.

#WorkplaceWellness #WeeklyMassage #ChairMassage


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  • Receive a free consultation
  • Book your first session
  • Ask us any question. Yes ANY.

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(310) 945-6857 |