
Yoga pose

A Brief History Of Yoga

A Brief History Of Yoga 2560 1707 Sharon Brandwein

When we hear the word yoga, most people would probably think of a yoga studio or gym outfitted with yoga mats and yoga pants as far as the eye can see. But the truth is the history of yoga and its humble beginnings is quite different from the practice as we know it today.

First used in a sacred text called the Rig Veda dating back to 1500–1000 BCE, the word yoga translates to “union.” As a spiritual discipline that’s practiced throughout the world, yoga aims to create a union between the body, mind, and emotions. Its practices are an elegant combination of body movements, breathwork, contemplation, and sensory withdrawal. Ahead we take a closer look at the history of yoga, from its modest beginnings to its modern-day popularity. 

A History Of Yoga

While its exact origins are unknown, yoga has a rich history that can be traced back thousands of years. The history of yoga is typically divided into four periods, which include its origins, evolution, practice, and advancement. 

Pre-Classical Period 

Yoga began as a meditative practice with the Harrapan culture some 3,500 years ago. Eventually, the Harrapan culture fell (as a result of the Aryan invasion) and life changed drastically for their people. The Barbarians subsequently introduced the concept of caste systems and religious rituals that included blood sacrifices. It was during this time that the Vedas along with the first concepts of yoga (as we’ve come to know it) was also introduced. 

Primarily used by the Brahmins or The Vedic priests, The Vedas are a collection of sacred texts that contain songs, mantras, and rituals. And as we mentioned earlier, the word “yoga” first appeared in the Rig Veda—the oldest of all the Vedas. 

Over time, the Brahmans and Rishis (mystic seers) refined and developed the practice of yoga, all of which was documented in scriptures of the Upanishads. Not only do the Upanishads contain some of the earliest concepts of Hinduism, but they also maintain that the best way to achieve enlightenment was to study under a teacher and dedicatee one’s life to the practice of yoga. 

Moreover, while the original Vedas held fast to the idea of ritual sacrifices, the Upanishads encouraged the sacrifice of the ego by outlining two paths to enlightenment:  

  • Karma Yoga – the selfless dedication to the service of others
  • Jnana yoga – the study of spiritual writings   

Yoga And The Bhagavad Gita

The most well-known and renowned piece of the Upanishad scriptures is the Bhagavad Gita (composed somewhere around 500 BCE). Considered one of the most important religious texts of Hinduism, the Bhagavad Gita is a series of mythological tales, all of which are included in the Indian epic the Mahabharata

 The Bhagavad Gita itself outlines three methods of devotion:

  • Karma yoga
  • Jnana yoga 
  • Bhakti yoga

Classical Period 

The pre-classical period of yoga was a jumble of ideas, beliefs, and practices, each one conflicting and contradictory to the next—but that was all about to change.

Somewhere around 400 BC, the renowned sage and mystic, Patanjali ushered in the classical period of yoga with the introduction of the Yoga-Sûtras. With his introduction of the eight-limbed path of yoga, Patanjali finally brought some organization to the practice of yoga. For the first time, there was a clear outline for the steps and stages one needed to take to obtain Samadhi or enlightenment. 

Eight limbs of yoga are: 

  • Yama – self-restraint 
  • Niyama – self-purification 
  • Asana – seat or posture 
  • Pranayama – breath control
  • Pratyahara – sense withdrawal 
  • Dharana – one-pointed concentration 
  • Dhyana – meditation
  • Samadhi – absolute absorption

 Many consider Patanjali to be the father of yoga, and his Yoga-Sûtras are considered a strong influence on modern yoga. 


A few centuries later, yoga masters of the time completely rejected the teachings of the ancient Vedas, choosing instead to embrace the physical body as the means to achieve enlightenment. This movement was the driving force behind the development of Tantra yoga. This new form of yoga focused on uniting the dualities within the human body (for example, male-female, good evil, etc.). Tantra yoga embraced the use of radical techniques to cleanse and connect the body, mind, and spirit.

The exploration into the connection between the physical and spiritual eventually led to the creation of Hatha Yoga. (Incidentally, Hatha Yoga is what yoga looks like to most of us.) Essentially, Hatha yoga uses body postures (asanas) and pranayama (breath control) to achieve one’s goal of self-realization. 

Modern Period 

Yoga’s popularity grew as T. Krishnamacharya and Swami Sivananda Saraswati continued to promote Hatha yoga in India. Yoga only gained popularity in the West in the early 20th century as yoga masters began to travel outside of India to spread its teachings. 

Yoga was first brought to America by Swami Vivekananda, who spoke at the Parliament of World Religions in 1893 in Chicago. In 1947, Indra Devi picked up the mantle when she opened her first yoga studio in West Hollywood. The list of her famous students induced actresses Gretta Garbo, Gloria Swanson, and beauty maven Elizabeth Arden.

In 1969, Swami Satchidananda famously delivered an opening speech at Woodstock, where he shared a prayer about peace and love. He later became known as the Woodstock Guru. 

Satchidananda wasn’t the first Swami to visit America, but his appearance at Woodstock was a pivotal moment in the history of yoga. It was where East met West, and yoga began to firmly take root in America. 

In addition to a multitude of Swami’s, three of T. Krishnamacharya’s students continued his legacy and shared his teachings with the world.

  • B.K.S. Iyengar continued to develop the practice by creating his own sequence of yoga poses
  • Indra Devi –  was the first famous Yogini or female yoga master 
  • T.K.V. Desikachar (T. Krishnamacharya’s son) went on to develop Vinyoga, a less intense and more therapeutic form of yoga than Astanga yoga. 

Yoga Today

Over the years, the history of yoga has continued to evolve. Today, there’s a seemingly endless variety of yoga styles, including Bikram yoga, Kundalini yoga, power yoga, and countless others. And while the sheer number of choices can be overwhelming to new practitioners, we think it’s important to point out something T.K.V. Desikachar often shared—yoga is not a one size fits all type of practice; there’s a right style of yoga for everyone. 

To learn how Goomi Group’s onsite and virtual yoga classes can benefit your team in body, mind, and spirit, connect with us now to schedule a virtual yoga class or to find a wellness plan that works for your team!

male doing HIIT workout at home

How to Squeeze In a HIIT Workout Anywhere

How to Squeeze In a HIIT Workout Anywhere 1032 688 Goomi

How to Squeeze In a HIIT Workout Anywhere

When you go on a vacation or on a business trip, you probably go off your daily workout routine. That doesn’t have to be the case! If you bring your sneakers and some stretchy pants, you can get your sweat on anywhere

But what if you run into problems? You step inside your hotel’s fitness center, and it smells funny. You go outside for a jog, and it’s pouring. You find a 10-story stairwell to race up and down, and it has a creepy, light-flickering vibe. 

Here’s what you do: Go back to your room—or find any open space—and be the master of your own HIIT class! No equipment? No problem. All you need is a little determination, roughly 25 minutes, an absorbent towel (cuz you’re gonna drip), and a clock (or get the HIIT Interval Training Timer app).

Wait . . . what’s a HIIT workout?

HIIT is code for “high intensity interval training.” According to,HIIT is a training technique in which you give all-out, one hundred percent effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time.”

If you’re new to HIIT, start with a 1:2 ratio of work to rest. For example, that could be 30 seconds of intense cardio followed by a 60-second recovery period, repeating sets until you’ve reached the 25-minute mark. As your endurance develops, you could flip the ratio: 60 seconds of givin’-it-all-ya-got with 30 seconds of recovery. 

What’s the key to HIIT success? INTENSITY!

Push yourself to the max during the “intense bursts of exercise.” You have rest periods waiting for you. And remember to be realistic when determining which HIIT formula to follow. Pick a work/rest ratio you know you’ll actually complete.

What are some examples of high intensity exercises? 

Where to begin? The possibilities are endless! But for the sake of this article, we’re talking a “no equipment, small space, you and you alone” kinda workout.  

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Rocket Jumps
  • Burpees
  • High Knee Jogs
  • Star Jumps
  • Long Jumps
  • Plank Jacks
  • Alternate Front Kicks/Back Kicks
  • Speedy Punches
  • 180 Jumps
  • Side Shuffles
  • Standing Lunge Switch-Outs
  • Power Knee Slaps

What are some examples of “rest period” exercises?

During this time, it’s important to not collapse. Yes, rest, but do so in an “active recovery” sort of way.

  • March in Place
  • Plank Holds
  • Side Planks
  • Balance on One Leg, Switch
  • Slow Squats
  • Squat Holds
  • Step Touches
  • Alternate Knee Lifts
  • Wall Push-Ups
  • Bodyweight Deadlifts
  • Windmill Arms
  • Glute Squeezes

Oh, one more thing. Don’t exercise without music. Find yourself a motivating playlist!

Checkout this Goomi Playlist we created!

woman on trampoline

Bounce into Summer with Rebounding

Bounce into Summer with Rebounding 1032 688 Goomi

The trampoline was an often forbidden privilege for us growing up. Tainted by stories of danger and precarious tumbles, our parents decided that acrobatics performed on a huge mat anchored by springs would be a rarely approved, adult-supervised-only occasion bumpered by a strong insurance policy. We caught our thrills at gymnastics or the occasional birthday party, but it wasn’t until our own adulthood that the benefits of bouncing sprung forward into the mainstream. The emergence of trampoline fitness focused brands and the release of upgraded, whisper quiet models have made “bouncercize” and “rebounding” a healthy pursuit for everyone to consider.

If you’re looking for a delightful and exciting way to get moving, recapture your childhood by jumping into a trampoline fitness routine. Here’s our top reasons why you should consider bouncing into summer:

Body Benefits

Moving around on a trampoline is more than just a good time. Although formal studies on the effects the low-impact, plyometric activity of rebounding are few, alternative health and fitness experts tout the benefits of it for health and wellbeing. A now famous NASA study found superior cardiovascular benefits garnered from springing on a rebounder than from running – in one third of the time. More efficient means time saved. And for busy professionals, working parents and the exercise averse, less time spent working out with similar or better results is a something to get bouncy about.

Physically, the action of jumping on a trampoline puts gravity to the test, which means every muscle group gets called upon to compensate, resulting in improved balance and coordination. The low impact bounce is also said to stimulate the lymphatic and circulatory system, helping to detoxify wastes. Plyometric exercise is  also key for strengthening bones and is excellent for improving cardiovascular fitness.

Beat Stress

A new study by the University of Vermont found that exercise was so effective at alleviating the symptoms of patients admitted for mental health challenges like anxiety and depression that it shortened their stays and even reduced the need for medication. If a little working out can be that effective for in-patient treatment, imagine what a daily dose of exercise on your mini-trampoline could do for you! Springfree, a manufacturer of backyard trampolines says 10 minutes of “bouncercize” can trigger endorphins, the happy chemicals your body releases during physical activity, suggesting that jumping can literally help put a spring in your step.

Bring Back Balance

Nonfatal falls account for a lot of emergency room visits. We’re talking over 9 million per year. The National Safety Council says that falls at work can happen anywhere, even at a “desk job.” They also say that falls are “100% preventable” and mention lots of safety precautions workers can take to help avoid them. But, remember how we mentioned earlier that jumping on a trampoline can help improve your balance and coordination? Rebounding might be just the modality your workforce needs to help avoid workplace injury. There’s even a specific study that shows older women improved their balance after 12 weeks of trampoline training.

Bang for Your Buck

Practically speaking, using a rebounder or mini-trampoline for health and fitness makes a lot of cents. (Sorry, we couldn’t help it!) It’s a relatively low-investment piece of exercise equipment you can easily store in your home or add to your group fitness facility. Some versions even fold up for easy storage! Many gyms and boutique fitness outlets now offer group rebounding classes which is a great way to try out equipment that may be new to you. We like Jumpsport and Bellicon for their commercial grade quality, but you’ll find starter models at your local discount retailer or on Amazon.

Fun will Abound

The repeated thrill of catching air beneath your feet and the sensation of freedom from tossing your body into an unbounded abyss results in sheer joy. How do we know this? Have you ever seen anyone jump on a trampoline and not have a nonstop smile? Giggling and toothy grins are unavoidable byproducts of launching upwards on a trampoline. If you enjoy it, you’ll do it, and in our book, that’s what embracing an active lifestyle is all about – doing what you love and being able to do it because you’re happy, healthy and functionally fit!

It’s for everyone!

Trampolines may seem like they’re just for kids or very brave adults, but fitness-specific models and increased safety features like handlebars, nets, and bungees make rebounding accessible for everyone from kids to seniors. Jumpsport even cites a University of Utah study that using a rebounder reduces stress on joints and muscles versus higher impact sports like walking and running, making it an appealing and low-risk activity for people of all sizes, fitness levels, ages and abilities.


Ready to jump into more fitness and wellness? Hop over to our upgraded site at to see how we can help increase productivity, reduce healthcare costs and foster team building by bringing corporate wellness sessions directly to your office. We work with all insurance carriers and brokers, so let’s make some time to see how we can enhance your workplace by making it a healthier place.

Partner workout: two women doing fitness

Partner Workout: The Buddy System Works

Partner Workout: The Buddy System Works 1032 688 Goomi

Get Healthy Together

If you want to get your fitness routine started, consider teaming up with a friend. Studies show that a partner workout can help with motivation and accountability, plus make workouts more fun. When picking a workout buddy, make sure to select someone who is reliable. That person should be positive, motivated, responsible, and have a similar schedule to yours.

Here are our top 5 reasons for working out with a partner:

1. Motivating each other.  Celebrating each other’s victories and encouraging each other on the days when you need it, makes fitness so much more fun.

2.  Keeping each other accountable.  Set it up on the calendar, and if your buddy doesn’t show up, then they buy post-workout smoothies next time.

3.  Make it a whole lot more fun. Meet for a Zumba class, take your dogs for a long walk together, do a stair climb at the local park.  Change is good for the mind and challenging for the muscles.

4. Ensure your success.  The power is all in the plan.  By putting it on the calendar, you’re more likely to make it happen and schedule everything else around it.

5.  Push each other through extra reps. Raise the bar and push each other to go further.

Looking for support along the way for a partner workout?  Why not throw in a Goomi class into the mix?  We’ll take out the guesswork and plan it all for you by bringing fitness to the office and you’ll build up your relationships with your co-workers along the way.

Keep up the good work!

Read more: Technology to Help You Achieve Your Health Goals