Wellness Done Right

Wellness Done Right

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In a recent strategy call with our client, an American cybersecurity tech company (with a billion dollar yearly revenue), we discussed in detail the success of their wellness program. Their success comes in the form of several hundred, sometimes thousands, of employees attending our Goomi Group sessions. Our conversation provided us with great insight that we thought could help other companies increase engagement and effectiveness of their wellness programs.

Suggestions to Increase Wellness Program Engagement:

  1. Name your program. Don’t just call it Company X’s Health and Wellness program. Give is a stylish and fun name. Formalize the program. Work it into the culture of your company.
  2. All the way up the ladder. Your wellness program needs to be supported at all levels. This will help employees believe they can take that time for themselves without repercussions from senior management.
  3. Make an all company calendar. Must be easy to access. Connect it with your email software AND link it to your company benefits page or portal.
  4. Time to Commit.  Ask your employees to register for the events. This puts it directly on their calendar, just like all the other meetings. It also allows you to determine if you need to continue to promote the event the day before and the day of the class.
  5. Send out reminders. Most of our successful partners send out reminders of the events one week in advance, one day in advance and again one hour before the class.
  6. Spice it up! You know what they say, variety is the spice of life. Successful programs tend to offer up both popular classes and a variety of speciality sessions.
  7. We missed you! If you have a company newsletter or benefits portal, make sure you post the recorded video link of each class where it is accessible to everyone. Let your team know they were missed, but they did not miss out.
  8. Set up Goals. What does success look like for your program and your team?

When it comes to your company’s wellness program, you need to know your company culture and what communications styles work best. You’ll want to understand that not every class or seminar will appeal to your whole company and that is ok. Not every time slot will work for your whole company and that is ok. Once you figure out what would be best for your team, give it a try, and also be flexible and willing to make changes.

Not sure where to start? At Goomi Group we offer unlimited no-cost surveys to determine what is of interest to your different offices, what health pillars are important to them, and what days/times work best for their schedules.

Remember, as humans we want to feel connected and that we are a part of a larger community. Wellness programs should be built to bring people together. Goomi Group offers both on-site and virtual classes where your team can come together and interact as part of a team. As always, we are here for you. Reach out if you would like help setting up your wellness program for success. Click here to start a wellness program done right.


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  • Receive a free consultation
  • Book your first session
  • Ask us any question. Yes ANY.

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(310) 945-6857 | info@goomigroup.com