Benefits of Yoga- National Yoga Month

Benefits of Yoga- National Yoga Month

Benefits of Yoga- National Yoga Month 1600 1067 Mika

Yoga builds strength, awareness, and balance in both the mind and the body. It incorporates mindfulness, breathing exercises and stretching poses to help you relax. Some of the other benefits of yoga are:

  1. Helps in reducing stress and anxiety: Yoga is a powerful way to keep stress in check. Research has found that yoga can decrease the secretion of cortisol, the primary stress hormone.
  2. Helps in reducing inflammation: Chronic inflammation can contribute to the development of pro-inflammatory diseases like diabetes or heart problems. One study showed that yoga can help reduce inflammatory markers in the people who practiced it consistently.
  3. Helps in improving heart health: The heart is an essential component of overall health. Multiple studies have indicated that yoga may help in improving heart health and reducing several factors responsible for heart disease.
  4. Helps in improving quality of life: Practicing yoga can significantly improve mood and fatigue while improving quality of life. Yoga can also improve sleep quality, social function and depression symptoms.
  5. Helps in improving chronic pain: Chronic pain affects millions of people and has a range of possible causes.

Yoga is just one of the many corporate fitness and wellness sessions we offer to keep your employees happy and healthy. Contact us for a free consultation, to schedule your first session, or to plan a wellness program, or to know more benefits of yoga!

Interested in learning more about how a wellness program can benefit your employees? Click here to learn more. 


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